Kusto Query Language (KQL)
Basics queries in Kusto query language.
Azure demo environment here.
Mostly used Operators:
- Search
- Where
- Take
- Count
- Summarize
- Extend
- Project
- Distinct
- Top
Perf | search „Memory“ | This searched for a column whose value exactly matched the word Memory. |
search in (Perf, Event, Alert) „memory“ | A better choice is to limit the search to specific tables. |
Perf | search CounterName==“Available MBytes“ | Within a table can search a specific column for an exact value. |
Perf | search CounterName:“MBytes“ | Search for the value anywhere in the text in the specific column, return „Available MBytes“, „Used mBytes“ . |
Perf | search „*Bytes*“ | Search across all columns using wildcards. |
Perf | search * startswith „Bytes“ | Begins with Bytes then any text after it. |
Perf | search * endswith „Bytes“ | Ends with Bytes. |
Perf | search „Free*Bytes“ | Begins with Free, ends with bytes, anything in beetwin. |
Perf | search „Free*bytes“ and („C:“ or „D“) | Searches can be combined logically. |
Perf | search InstanceName matches regex „[A-Z]:“ | Search also supports regular expressions. |
Similar to search, where limits the result set. Rather than looking across columns for values, where limits based on conditions
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h) | Returns all during 1 hour (d – day, h – hours, m – minutes, s – seconds, ms – milliseconds). |
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h) and CounterName == „Bytes Received/sec“ | Can build up the where by adding to it logically. |
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h) and (CounterName == „Bytes Received/sec“ or CounterName == „% Processor Time“) | OR logic is allowed too! |
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h) | where (CounterName == „Bytes Received/sec“ or CounterName == „% Processor Time“) | where CounterValue > 0 | Stackable where operators. |
Perf | where * has „Bytes“ | You can simulate search using where. Here it searches all columns in the input for the phrase Bytes somewhere in a column’s value. |
Perf | where * hassuffix „Bytes“ | At the start. |
Perf | where * hassuffix „Bytes“ | At the end. |
Perf | where * contains „Bytes“ | Contains and has behave the same. |
Perf | where InstanceName matches regex „[A-Z]:“ | Where supports regex as well. |
Take is used to grap a random number of rows from the input data.
Perf | take 10 | Returns 10 random rows. |
Perf | limit 10 | Limit is synonym for „Take“. |
Perf | count | Returns the numbers of rows in the input dataset |
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h) and CounterName == „Bytes Received/sec“ and CounterValue > 0 | count | Can also use with other filters. |
Perf | summarize count() by CounterName | Summariaze allows you count number or rows by column using the count() aggregation function. |
Perf | summarize count() by ObjectName,CounterName | Can break down by multiple columns. |
Perf | summarize PerfCount=count() by ObjectName, CounterName | You can rename the output column for count. |
Perf | where CounterName == „% Free Space“ | summarize NumberOfEntries=count(), AverageFreeSpace=avg(CounterValue) by CounterName | With Summarize, you can use other aggregation functions. |
Perf | summarize NuberOfEntries=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) | Bin allows you to summarize into logical groups, like days. |
Perf | summarize NuberOfEntries=count() by CounterName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) | Can bin at multiple levels. |
Perf | where CounterName == „Free Megabytes“ | extend FreeGB = CounterValue / 1000 | Extend creates c calculated column and adds to the result set. |
Perf | where CounterName == „Free Megabytes“ | extend FreeGB = CounterValue / 1000, FreeKB = CounterValue * 1000 | Can extend multiple columns at the same time. |
Perf | where TimeGenerated >= ago(10m) | extend ObjectName = strcat(ObjectName, “ – „, CounterName) | Can also use with strcat to create new string colums. |
Perf | project ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, CounterValue, TimeGenerated | Project allows you to select a subset of columns. |
Perf | where CounterName ==“Free Megabytes“ | project ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, CounterValue, TimeGenerated | extend FreeGB = CounterValue /1000, FreeMB = CounterValue, FreeKB = CounterValue * 1000 | Combine Project with Extend. |
Perf | where CounterName ==“Free Megabytes“ | project ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, CounterValue, TimeGenerated, FreeGB = CounterValue /1000, FreeMB = CounterValue, FreeKB = CounterValue * 1000 | Project can simulate the extend. |
Perf | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | project-away TenantId, SourceSystem, CounterPath, MG | There is a variant called project-away. It will project except the columns listed. |
Perf | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | project-rename myRenamedComputer = Computer | If you only want to rename a column, then another variant of project is project-rename. It will rename the specified column but then pass the rest of the columns through. |
Perf | distinct ObjectName, CounterName | Return a list of deduplicated values fro columns for the input dataset |
Event | where EventLevelName == „Error“ | distinct Source | Distinct can be used to limit a result set. Get a list of all sources that had an error event. |
Perf | top 20 by TimeGenerated desc | Top returns the first N rows of the dataset when the dataset is sirted by the „by“ clause. |
Scalar Operators
print „Hello World“ | Print can be used to display output to the result grid. It is primarily a debugging tool. You can use it for static text. |
print 2 * 3 | More commonly to confirm calculations. |
print NameOfColumnt = 2 * 3 | You can also name the output column. |
print now() | Returns the current date/time. |
print ago(1d) print ago(1h) print ago(1m) print ago(1s) print ago(1ms) print ago(-1d) print ago(-365d) | Back 1 day Back 1 hour Back 1 minute Back 1 second Tomorrow 1 year in the future |
Perf | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where CounterName == „Avg. Disk sec/Red“ and InstanceName == „C:“ | project Computer, TimeGenerated, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, CounterValue | sort by Computer, TimeGenerated | Sort will sort the output od a query. „Sort by“ could be replaced by „order by“ |
Perf | where ObjectName == „LogicalDisk“ and InstanceName matches regex „[A-Z]:“ | project Computer, CounterName, extract(„[A-Z]:“,1,InstanceName) | Extract pulls part of a passed in string (the third parameter) base on the regular expression place inside parnethesis. The second param detemines what is returned. A 0 returns whe wholw epression |
Perf | where ObjectName == „LogicalDisk“ and InstanceName matches regex „[A-Z]:“ | project Computer, CounterName, extract(„([A-Z]):“,1,InstanceName) | When the second param is 1, it returns just the part in the parenthesis. |
Event | where RenderedDescription startswith „Event code: “ | parse RenderedDescription with „Event code: “ myEventCode „Event message: “ myEventMessage „Event time: “ myEventTime „Event time (UTC): “ myEventTimeUTC „Event ID: “ myEventID „Event sequence: “ myEventSequence „Event occurrence: “ * | project myEventCode, myEventMessage, myEventTime, myEventTimeUTC, myEventID, myEventSequence | Evaluates a string expression and parses its value into one or more calculated columns. The calculated columns will have nulls, for unsuccessfully parsed strings. For more information, see the parse-where operator. |
Perf | where CounterName == „AVG. Disk sec/Read“ | where CounterValue > 0 | take 10 | extend HowLongAgo=( now() – TimeGenerated) | project Computer, CounterName, TimeGenerated, HowLongAgo | Determine how long ago a counter was generated |
Perf | where CounterName == „AVG. Disk sec/Read“ | where CounterValue > 0 | take 10 | extend HowLongAgo=( now() – TimeGenerated), TimeSinceStartOfYear=(TimeGenerated – datetime(2019-01-01)) | project Computer, CounterName, TimeGenerated, HowLongAgo, TimeSinceStartOfYear | Time since a specifig date (i.e. star of the year) |